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Meet Charlie.

He's crass, he's crude, he has a photographic memory and a serious alcohol problem.

He's expendable.No one will miss him. The perfect candidate for a time travel experiment.

But in the ice age, Charlie will become someone that no one will ever forget.



‘couldn’t put it down”

“had to force myself to go to bed, here I am on the second night, having finished the book and desperately hoping that a second is written or on the way.."

“Fast-moving and well imagined."

The best part of TT, for me, is always the "fish out of water" aspect of the story and Rewind does not disappoint with its main protagonist, Charlie. he is a flawed man with a character arc to be followed, and that is satisfying to watch.

"Fantastic read."
"I read this almost non stop. I didn’t want to put it down but I also didn’t want it to end.."
"hilarious and gripping."
"a great book."
"wow - just wow."
"laugh out loud original story... if you like fiction at all I recommend you read this book."
"The more I read the better it became until I couldn't put it down without finishing."
"it’s been a long time since I’ve been unable to put a book down."
"punchy and captivating"
"It's been a long time since a book has grabbed me like this."
"A ripping read."
"a fascinating ride back in time."
​"a compelling mix of sobriety, personal enlightenment, history, tragedy, betrayal, and a large dollop of humor."
"Can't wait for the next book."
“stands head and shoulders above the others in terms of originality, humour, creativity and all round entertainment. Get ready to be irritated, appalled, shocked and generally fazed by the extraordinary journey of Charlie and his extraordinary new family.
"a wild adventure."
"brilliantly constructed."
"Refreshingly different."
"huge fun."
"I absolutely loved this. Great characters, good descriptions, well paced and written storyline.."
​"hugely enjoyable"
"a masterpiece."
"loved this book... great character arc for Charlie as he evolves from a 21st century dropkick into a worthy stone-age community member. Charlie is laugh out loud funny as he comes to terms with his new reality."
"a roller-coaster of emotion, wit, sadness, joy, nerves."
"gripping stuff."
"it really is Charlie and how he responds to the utterly new environment and situation, that drives the story. As we hear more of Charlie’s thought processes it is obvious he’s not quite who we assumed him to be at the beginning of the book."
"I loved the premise of this book and it didn't disappoint."
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